4th Sunday of Lent, March 14, 2021

Dear Friends,

Congratulations to over 500 of our parishioners who have pledged to read and listen to “The Bible in a Year” podcast! I am very proud of you but kindly request that more of you make the commitment to just START reading, no excuses. Pope Gregory the Great said, “No sacrifice is more acceptable to God than zeal for souls,” and my zeal for you is that you would read the LOVE LETTER that God has written for you. I am working on going to heaven, but I don’t plan on going alone. My goal in life is to take you with me, and one of the best ways to be on that path together is to READ THE BIBLE.

We thank the 28 courageous people who participated in the final exam on the outstanding encyclical by St. Pope John Paul II titled, Ecclesia de Eucharistia. Congratulations to the top three scorers: Marie Knick, Mary Lewis, and Karen Donahoe. The entire encyclical, study guide with answers, and online test will remain in the Resources section of our parish website under “Parish Resource Documents” for you to revisit at any time.

I would also like to thank you for your overwhelming generosity during our annual Lenten Long- Sleeve Shirt Drive, as well as the team of volunteers who organized this event and sorted through the abundance of clothing sent to the farmworkers.

To commemorate the Year of St. Joseph, we are hosting a Novena to St. Joseph that began on 10 March and will conclude with a special celebration of the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on Friday, 19 March. Although it is a Friday in Lent, we will celebrate with joy by singing the “Gloria” at a special solemn Mass at 6:00 p.m. that evening, followed by a reception in the courtyard. Also on that day, we will have our regular morning Mass at 8 a.m. and Stations of the Cross at 12 noon.  I encourage all of you to join us during these nine days of prayer to the patron saint of husbands and fathers, unborn children, immigrants, workers, employment, explorers, pilgrims, travelers, carpenters, realtors, against doubt and hesitation, and of a happy death.

I am deeply indebted to all who have participated in Our Catholic Appeal 2021, and I urge those who have not yet pledged to please consider doing so.

On this Fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday (Rejoice Sunday), the Church invites us to rejoice in joyful anticipation of the Easter mystery. The unforgettable lines from the Gospel of John 3:16 is presented for our reflection this weekend: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” Continue to gaze upon the face of Christ on the cross as a powerful reminder of the depth of his love for us.

Be Blessed!

With love,       

Fr. John