August 11, 2019, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Dear Friends,            

Our children will be back in School this week. Wow! I asked one of our children if he was ready for the school and the reply came instantly and without wasting a moment saying: “NO.” The holidays seemed too long for some while for the children it must feel like it has ended so quickly. But we here at the church couldn’t wait long enough to have you children back with us. Welcome Back after that well-deserved, refreshing and relaxed vacation. While you are busy going to school do not forget that we have a NEW PROGRAM IN THE PARISH CALLED “SJE KIDS: A FUN WAY TO LEARN ABOUT JESUS!” It is going to be so energizing and refreshing and creative that you would not want to miss it. But you have to do something before that. Namely, you have to register online. For the first time, SJE is going completely ONLINE. Please make use of this opportunity to complete this task before it is too late. We will begin with a big fanfare on the 15th September 2019.

In connection with the Religious Education Department there will be some changes. Mr. Bob Birmingham who has served us for the past 6 years is retiring beginning September 2019. Bob blended with the SJE family so well that it will be hard for us to imagine Religious Ed Department without him. Bob has served for most part of his working life the Diocese of Orlando. He served at the Chancery from 1997 and then joined SJE in 2013 and has since served us so well. He had the perfect nature to be so friendly that the vibes he created with the children and the parents was remarkable. I thank Bob profusely for his wonderful ministry to SJE and wish a well-deserved rest and relaxation.  We will certainly miss him, but our doors are always open to him.

In the wake of his retirement we have been hunting for an appropriate replacement and we have found a perfect fit in the person of Ms. Dawn Hurley to take Bob’s place. But due to previous commitments she will officially join the staff from the beginning of January 2020. She will however be present to us whenever her time permits.

In the meantime, I have asked our very able and vibrant Jim Mascaranhas to fill in this position. Jim has worked so meticulously with our Teens that our Life Teen is thriving and has attracted many sincere and serious followers of Jesus. In order for him to discharge the additional duties as well as to cover other aspects of our ever-growing parish community, I am appointing him as the Director of Communications and the Coordinator of the Youth Program and the SJE KIDS Program. I am sure under his supervision our SJE KIDS program is going to be a game changer for our children.

In regards to our RCIA program I have asked Terri Tagye to lead the program ably guided by Fr. John Patrick. I thank Terry for her numerous commitments in our parish for so many years. Her multiple degrees, able leadership and her passion for teaching make her a perfect fit for this very important component of our parish life.

On the 15th August we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption, a Day of Obligation. Please make it a point to attend any one of the following Masses: 8 a.m. and 12.05 p.m. and 7 p.m.  May our Mother watch over and intercede for us!

Today we celebrate the 19th Sunday C and once again the readings provided for our reflections are challenging to say the least. They invite us to keep our focus on what matters most as exemplified in the lives of our ancestors in Faith beginning with Abraham. Let us be like the ever-ready servant whom the master finds vigilant upon his arrival.

Have a Blessed Week!

With love,  

Fr. John