Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, January 30, 2022

Dear friends,

On this 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Church invites us to reflect on the beautiful message that God oves us and has known us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. Wow! How powerful is this message? His words of encouragement to the prophet Jeremiah offer the same encouragement to us today: “For I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:19). When Jesus spoke in the synagogue of his hometown, the people rejected him and drove him out. Why are we, likewise, so lukewarm to hearing God say to us, “I am with you to deliver you”?

Last weekend, we celebrated those who accomplished the challenge of reading the Bible in a year. For those who did not receive their certificate of completion, they will be available in the office or after the Sunday Masses. If you completed the challenge but have not given us your name for certification, please call or stop by the office so that we can prepare one for you.

I urge all who started with us but were unable to stay the course to please pick up your Bibles and begin again by reading or listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz’s podcast. And for those who have not yet begun the challenge of reading/listening to the “Bible in a Year” podcast, please decide to do so today.

I am excited to offer FORMED to our entire parish for free again, having just renewed our subscription for the third consecutive year. With award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids’ programming, there is something for everyone on FORMED. I pray that this gift will bless you and your family.

To register for your free account and claim our gift to you: Visit signup.formed.org.

Enter our parish zip code (32940) and select St. John the Evangelist, then “Next.”

Type in your first and last name and email address, click “Sign Up,” and you’re in, as simple as that.

Those who attended the King’s Cadence Men’s Gospel Quartet on Friday, 28 January were treated to an evening of inspired music and entertainment. Thanks to Christine Germain for coordinating this event.

We welcome back Fr. Selvaraj of the Diocese of Kumbakonam in South India for this year’s Mission Co-Op. It is so good to have him back with us.  Welcome, Fr. Selva!

I wish to offer a very special thanks to our Brother Knights for their generosity and commitment to their faith. I thank them for serving a delicious pancake breakfast after the morning Masses on Sunday. I also invite more of our men to consider joining the Knights to bring the light of Christ to our community.

With love, Fr. John