January 19th, 2020, The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends

“My soul magnifies the Lord." These words of Mary rush to my mind as I pen this message as we celebrate the 2nd Anniversary
of the Dedication of our splendid House of God. Yes, my dear friends, we have indeed been blessed by the Lord with
numerous blessings. This house of worship has been a source of consolation to all of us and to those who have visited this
sanctuary. Once again, | wish to thank you all for your various sacrifices for making this place of worship a sacred place, a
place where we can really experience God’s presence.

l am also happy to say that we have completed all the Stained-glass windows inside the church and I want to thank all those
who have sponsored those lovely windows. As you can see, all of them, barring the window dedicated the Congregation of
Holy Cross, are themes taken from the Gospel of St. John. Very soon we will have three more transom windows over the doors
of the entrance to the church. It is my sincere prayer that we would spend time to meditate on these lovely images of Jesus
revealing himself as Emmanuel, God with walking with us.

On the 20th January, the Congregation of Holy Cross and along with them we at SJE celebrate the Feast of Blessed Basil
Moreau, the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Please continue to pray for the Canonization of Fr. Moreau using the
following prayer:

Prayer for the Intercession of Blessed Moreau

Lord Jesus, source of all that is good, you inspired Basile Moreau to found the religious family
of Holy Cross to continue your mission among the People of God. May he be for us a model
of apostolic life, an example of fidelity, and an inspiration as we strive to follow you. Lord
Jesus, you said, “Ask and you shall receive." We come to ask you that you hear our prayer. It
is through the intercession of Basile Moreau that we ask (state your intention). May we
learn to imitate his holiness and service and look to him confidently in times of need. Amen.

May Blessed Basil Moreau and Saint Brother Andre Bessette intercede for us!

Have a Blessed Week!
With Love,
Fr. John