33 Days to Merciful Love - April 22

33 Days to Merciful Love

You are invited to attend a six week retreat by Fr. Michael Gaitley. This retreat will introduce us to a great modern day doctor of the church: St. Therese, of the Little Way”.

The retreat delves deeply into God’s mercy, and how he wants to give it to us, through his self-giving love. Each day of the retreat, we will be drawn deeper into knowing how God is reaching out to us, in hope that we will trust his love.

Start Date:   Thursday, April 22

End Date: Thursday, May 27 Two sessions are offered:

12:30pm—2:00pm or 6:30pm—8:00 p.m.

If you would like to attend the retreat, registration forms are available on the table in the narthex of the church or register here:

Hearts Afire 'Merciful Love' Registration

STARTING THURSDAY, April 22; ending May 27

Materials Cost: $30.00. Order Participants Packet online at shopmercy.org


For more information contact: Mary Adams at mtmadams@gmail.com or Bernie Yandura at bfyandura1@cfl.rr.com

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