Grief Support Group

Are you or someone you know having a difficult time because of the loss of a loved one?

True healing comes from the support of friends, family, community, and God.  If you are experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, St. John the Evangelist invites you to join our grief support group.  We will follow the GriefShare program — “Your Journey from Mourning to Joy” — a video-based program covering topics such as:  “Is this Normal,” “Guilt and Anger,” “Being Stuck in Grief,” and other practical information that will be shared to help you recover from the pain of grief and loss.

Session Dates:  Tuesdays (weekly).  Starts February 28, 2023, for 12 weeks.

Time:  12:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. | Location:  Fr. Peyton Room (in the Parish Center)

Facilitators:  Ken & Toni Donovan.

Participant Workbook Donation:  $20.00.

To register for the session (or if you have questions), please contact:

Ken Donovan at donovanken10@gmail.com or (321) 604-5216 or

Toni Donovan at tntfog72@gmail.com or 321-338-7773.