November Family of the Month

St. John the Evangelist community and the Knights of Columbus are pleased to name The Oppermanns as the Family of the Month for November.

The Oppermanns relocated from Long Island, New York, 39 years ago.  John and Mary Ann have been married over 60 years. They have two children, three grandchildren, and seven great granddaughters (Father John has personally baptized three of them), who all live in Brevard County.

They have been members of St. John the Evangelist parish since September 2001, when Mass was celebrated at the Brevard County Government Center.

Mary Ann was one of the original office receptionists; she was also part of the offertory accounting group, and she now serves as a Eucharistic Minister.  Their son John has served as an usher since returning from Father John’s first Israel pilgrimage, and he is blessed to have gone on several of Father John’s pilgrimages since then.

John and Mary Ann feel so blessed to be part of St John’s and all that this parish has so wonderfully accomplished over the years, and the many wonderful priests who have helped lead us.

Under the leadership of the Holy Cross Fathers, especially Father John, St. John the Evangelist has grown to be the beautiful, friendly and faithful parish it is today.

The St. John’s community has been blessed with the Oppermann’s dedication and involvement.  Thank you all!