Dear Friends,
Last Sunday evening, we began the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time; this weekend, we are already celebrating the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time has 33 or 34 weeks during which we explore the “fullness of Jesus' teachings and works among his people”(USCCB), especially on Sundays. With the start of this liturgical year, we began a new cycle of readings known as Year C. Cycle C draws the gospel readings primarily from the Gospel of Luke.
On this Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, however, we read the story of the wedding at Cana from the Gospel of John. [John’s] gospel narrative contains a series of [seven] “signs”—the gospel’s word for the wondrous deeds of Jesus. [St. John] is primarily interested in the significance of these deeds, and so interprets them for the reader by various reflections, narratives, and discourses. . . . [T]he first sign [is] the transformation of water into wine at Cana (John 2:1–11); this represents the replacement of the Jewish ceremonial washings and symbolizes the entire creative and transforming work of Jesus (USCCB).
John’s gospel always looks to elicit a response. In this passage, Mother Mary shows us the correct response to Jesus: Trust his word. The servants whom Mary instructs, “Do whatever he tells you,” obediently fill the six jars with water at Jesus’ command. This simple obedience paves the way for Jesus to perform the first sign/miracle that reveals his glory. With this tremendous sign, Jesus’ public ministry is launched. Let us, too, trust in Jesus’ words and do what he tells us through the gospels proclaimed this liturgical year.
I want to congratulate Gerry Judge, the recipient of the Family of the Month award for January 2025. I thank her for her dedication and unwavering support of our parish over the years and her continued active participation in several of our ministries. She is our “Rock Star”, as she keeps painting “spiritual rocks” for Jesus.
I also want to thank Fr. Martin Joseph for helping to keep St. John’s liturgical life going while I’m away. My family in India will miss him, as this is the first time he will not be there during my visit. May his presence at St. John’s for the next several months help him to get to know you as he helps us all grow closer to Christ. Welcome to St. John’s, Fr. Martin! Please feel at home.
As I have mentioned before, January is Holy Cross Heritage Month, and we rejoice in the opportunity to get to know more about what God continues to accomplish through the Congregation. Last Sunday, we saw how God used Father Patrick Peyton, the “Rosary Priest,” to spread devotion to the Blessed Mother. This week, we look at the life and legacy of Fr. Jacques Dujarié and Blessed Basil Moreau, the two men instrumental in creating the Congregation of Holy Cross. Blessed Basil Moreau’s feast day is 20 January, and Fr. Jacques Dujarié’s feast day we celebrate on 17 February.
Blessed Basil Moreau was born in France in 1799. A sought-after preacher and lively professor, Fr. Moreau formed the first association of Holy Cross in 1837 to serve the educational needs of post-revolution France. Soon after, he sent members of his fledgling congregation to Africa, Asia, and North America to serve the Church as educators of the faith. It is because of this man’s passion to go beyond borders to serve the Lord that Holy Cross came to the U.S. and eventually here to Viera. Please note that Bl. Fr. Moreau’s feast day is also the anniversary of the dedication of our new St. John the Evangelist church in 2018.
Please join us for a virtual Holy Cross Conference entitled "Gifts to Give." It will be presented on Zoom this coming Saturday, 25 January 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend this FREE event. The keynote speakers include Bro. Jimmy Henke, C.S.C., from King's College; Dr. Marco Clark, President of Holy Cross College; and Sister Mary Kay Kinberger of the Marianites of Holy Cross (M.S.C.). To learn more about the speakers and their topics, go to: Jump on Zoom for whatever sessions pique your interest, or stay for the entire time. To register for the conference go to: Sponsored by Holy Cross Associates for Holy Cross Heritage Month, this virtual conference is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who loves Holy Cross. We hope you can join us!
Good news: The long-awaited pilgrimage to the incredible coastline of Croatia and the spiritually rich shrine of Medjugorje is ready to accept reservations. The dates are 8 – 18 July 2025. Brochures are available at the reception desk in the Parish Life Center. You can also register online at
We selected the peak season of July to allow participation by those who otherwise would be involved with their children’s school and sports events. Don’t delay in making your reservation. This trip will fill up fast!
Be Blessed!
With love,
Fr. John