Dear Friends,
This weekend, we celebrate the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In September 2019, Pope Francis published an apostolic letter titled "Aperuit illis,” meaning “he opened to them” (from Luke 24:45, “he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.”). In the letter, the Pope established that "the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study, and dissemination of the Word of God." Therefore, please remember our lectors in your prayers today. I extend to all those whose passion is to proclaim the Word our heartfelt thanks for their unwavering dedication to making our liturgical celebrations meaningful.
As I have been emphasizing, January is Holy Cross Heritage Month. We rejoice in the opportunity to get to know the work that God continues to accomplish through the many ministries of the Congregation of Holy Cross founded in 1837 by Fr. Basil Moreau in Le Mans, France, to serve the educational needs of post-revolution France. Last Sunday, we saw how God used Fr. Jacques Dujarié and Blessed Basil Moreau to found the Congregation and how it has reached across multiple borders in the service of the Gospel and the Church. Today, Holy Cross serves in about 18 countries, focusing on educational, parochial, and social outreach ministries.
This week, from January 26 to February 1, we will celebrate the Congregation of Holy Cross as part of Catholic Schools Week, an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The United States Province of Priests and Brothers of Holy Cross supports 15 province-sponsored parishes, eight elementary and grade schools, and four higher education institutions. Let us lift prayers of gratitude for all those serving the cause of Catholic education.
I am very proud and happy to announce that Deacon Lee Levenson has published his newest and latest novel, "The Cowboy and the Chicken House: Love Behind Enemy Lines.” It is now available on Amazon and soon at other outlets. A fast-paced, historical thriller set in German-occupied Belgium and France during World War II, the novel tells of an unfolding love between two young people thrust into each other’s lives by a crash landing in the Forest of Ardennes. But it is also the story of the “Greater Love” of brave men and women – civilians, clergy, religious, and military–who willingly gave their lives for their fellow human beings. I encourage you to buy a copy or get an e-book version. Deacon Lee will be grateful for your support and happy to autograph your copy. Congratulations, dear Deacon Lee!
Good news: The long-awaited pilgrimage to the incredible coastline of Croatia and the spiritually-rich shrine of Medjugorje is ready to accept reservations. The dates are 8 – 18 July 2025. Brochures and registration forms are available at the reception desk in the Parish Life Center. You can also register online at Please note that we chose the peak travel season of July to allow participation by those who otherwise would be entangled with their children’s school and sports events.
Be Blessed!
With love,
Fr. John