Dear Friends,
On 8 September 2024 is a huge feast, one celebrated in the all Marian Shrines around the world to honor our Holy Mother Mary on her birthday. This year, because 8 September falls on a Sunday, the Church does not observe this feast as grandly as we would like.
As you know, there are only three people whose birthdays are celebrated in the Liturgical Calendar of the Church: Jesus’ birthday on 25 December, John the Baptist’s birthday on 24 June, and as we just mentioned, Mother Mary’s birthday on 8 September. What an honor it is to celebrate our Mother! So, since we have our beautiful Grotto, we will offer another Mass at 7 p.m. in the Grotto on this Sunday, the 8th of September.
The 8th of September also is a huge day for us here at St. John the Evangelist. On this day, we commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the founding of our parish in 2001. We gratefully remember all who helped to create our parish alongside the Congregation of Holy Cross: the Bishop of Orlando; Fr. Larry Olszewski, C.S.C.; Fr. Bob Wiseman, C.S.C.; and all the amazing people who enrolled with great faith to be founding members of this fledgling parish, which had nothing to call its own -- neither land, nor buildings, nor worship space. While some original members of our parish have moved on, either elsewhere in this world or to their home in the next, we are still blessed to have some who are very much present here with us. We thank them for placing their trust in Divine Providence.
We are inching ever closer to the commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of our founding. We will celebrate this jubilee for a whole year with many wonderful events starting on 8 September 2025. Throughout the jubilee year, we will offer thanksgiving to God for the wonders he wrought during our founding years and those He continues to work in our days as well.
As we enter the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B cycle, the prophet Isaiah’s words bring us warmth and comfort, for he says, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not! Here is your God . . . he comes to save you.’” (Isaiah 35: 4) Wow, that message is so needed in these days of fear and anxiety. Can you hear in these words the message God is sending? that you are special, that your God cares for you?
We not only hear what God can do, but we can see it happen in Mark’s Gospel, in the person of Jesus Christ. In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus goes about incarnating the words of the prophet Isaiah, making them come alive. People brought a man who was unable to hear or speak to Jesus, and He put his finger into the man’s ears and touched his tongue and said: “Ephphatha! – that is, “Be opened!” And the man could hear and speak. In astonishment, the witnesses of this miracle say, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
What is our impediment, our deafness, our blindness? What prevents us from hearing and seeing and speaking of the wonders God, who continues to do marvelous things in us through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit?
Please remember: on Saturday, 14 September, all who participate in St. John’s ministries will come together for our Ministry Day, a whole morning of reflection. Fr. Ivan Almo, Pastor of Annunciation Parish, Altamonte Springs, will be the speaker. This time of reflection is designed to renew and rejuvenate our volunteers in their ongoing commitment to serve in our parish. In addition, it is a way for me to thank each one for their dedication.
On the weekend of 14/15 September, we also have our Ministry Fair after each Mass. Please be prepared to stay after Mass to visit Holy Cross Hall. The Fair is an opportunity for you to learn about each of our ministries and cherish our deeply committed parishioners who carry out the 60+ ministries here at St. John’s.
Some of our ministries need many new volunteers, while others do not. Even for the latter, there will be ministry representatives present to explain what their ministry is all about. Last weekend, you heard me talk about the two new ministries we have launched (You Cared for Me and CarePortal). Be sure to stop by and learn more about them, for they need many to help carry out the purpose and the activities of the ministries.
What a blessing it is to belong to a parish community that cares for all areas of our parishioners’ lives!
We have just one more weekend to reach/exceed our Holy Hour Challenge of 2,000 hours of Adoration. I am so proud of those who have responded in some way to help us meet this challenge. But I need to remind everyone: wherever you do you your adoration, in the Church or in the Chapel, log in your time. You can do that on the log-in form or on the iPad by the entrance to the Adoration Chapel. Or you can simply write down the date and your time. Then call or stop by the office to let us record your time for you. In this way, we will know when we reach our goal.
Why are we making this huge effort? It is my heart’s desire that we show our love for the Lord in the Eucharist, and let Him increase our love for Him though the holy act of Adoration. Remember what St. Padre Pio said: “A Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament is worth more than a thousand years of human glory.”
Have a Blessed Week!
With love,
Fr. John