Social Outreach & Concerns

Social Outreach

The Church teaches us to serve those in need through Charity, Love, Service and Action, which are the components of this Ministry.  By following the examples in the Gospel, we as parishioners, are living as disciples of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Without the generous giving of our parishioners, the work of this Ministry would not take place.  There are many dedicated members of this Faith Community who work with Social Concerns and have undertaken various Projects to help the less fortunate or our community.

The 1st weekend of the month is Outreach Weekend. We collect money donations in designated parish envelopes. Donations that are collected on Outreach Weekend are used to help pay for utility bills, food, rent, and meet other requests made by those who are in need. Each client must fill out a form and go through an interview before their need is granted.  The interview is conducted by volunteers from the parish working in this Ministry, with guidance from Fr. John.

We have donated money to charitable organizations that are working successfully in the county:  Brevard School Foundation (school supply drive); Brevard Rescue Mission (women’s shelter); Central Brevard Sharing Center (food for a family backpack on weekends); Children’s Hunger Project; Community of Hope; Cocoa Village Veterans; Devereux (children); Harmony Farms; St. Mary’s and Ascension  food pantries; Space Coast Volunteers in Medicine; Family Promise of Brevard; The Haven for Children, Inc.; Space Coast Honor Flight, Promise, Inc. Genesis House; Nation Veterans Homeless Support Inc.; Daily Bread and Aging Matters In Brevard.

Below is a list of Social Outreach & Concern Coordinators at St. John the Evangelist.

Aging Matters                              TBD      


Aging Matters in Brevard is a private not-for-profit organization in service to the aging citizens of Brevard County, supporting independence, health, safety and quality of life.

Blood Drive                                 Darline Granados       321-446-1867  |  darlinelarue@yahoo.com


 Blood cannot be manufactured outside the body and has a limited shelf life. The supply must constantly be replenished by generous blood donors. Our parishioners serve the community by giving the Gift of Life three times per year.

Children’s Hunger Project          Cheryl Cominsky      321-610-1900


In Brevard County, the number of children in the free and reduced-price meal program exceeds 50%. Some elementary schools have 80% or more of their kids on the free and reduced-price meal program with many of them at risk of childhood hunger and malnutrition.

Christmas Giving Tree                 Susan Answay          emhc@stjohnviera.org                

During the Advent season, we work with Devereux, Central Brevard Sharing Center, Senior Santa, the Student-Parent Program (Brevard School System) and Holy Cross Missions. We collect and distribute gifts to children in need during the Christmas season.

Daily Bread                                  Julie Coles


Daily Bread ensures that no one in Brevard County faces hunger or homelessness alone. The magnitude of our mission as a non-profit organization is extraordinary and while we do not charge individuals for our services, they are not without cost. As a result, we rely heavily on kind-hearted individuals and corporations to fulfill our mission and vision daily.

Farm and Migrant Worker Support          TBD

During annual times of the year, donations are collected to provide farm and migrant workers with clothing, food and Thanksgiving dinners.

Feed My Flock                            Janet Jones-Owens           732-236-7607  |  jjowen1@cfl.rr.com

Social Outreach & Concerns    Cindy & Pete LaMonica   321-637-9650

We seek donations of non-perishable foods and money to help provide for those who have made requests in the community.

Habitat for Humanity            https://www.habitat.org/volunteer/near-you/find-your-local-habitat

Kairos                                     https://kairosprisonministry.org/volunteer-opportunities/

Saint Stephen’s Way             https://www.ssway.org/get-involved/volunteers