Scripture Study -- When it comes to studying the Bible, some Catholics can't get enough information and understanding about the Old and New Testaments. Many Catholics have "Bible Insecurity" -- embarrassment for not knowing more and fear sounding "stupid" in a Bible study class. A study group at St. John's is a place where, whatever your Bible background, you'll feel comfortable and your knowledge and faith will grow.
This 5-session course will explore the biblical theme of meals shared in faithful fellowship and covenant relationship with God. We will end with the Last Supper and Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist. We will meet for five consecutive Wednesdays at either 10:30am-noon in person in Fr. Peyton room, or 6:30-8pm on Zoom. Cost of book is $10. Registration is required by contacting Deacon Michael at or 321-946-3388. Deacon Michael's Bible Study will resume in September, watch the calendar and bulletin for additional information.