Browsing Fr John's Weekly Message

The Ascension of the Lord, May 12, 2024

Posted by SJE Admin on 5/11/24

Dear Friends,

Congratulations again to our children who received their First Communion last weekend. Congratulations to their parents, grandparents, and godparents! I hope you are very proud of our children. I truly pray that you will continue to support these children in their faith journey. A special thanks to ... Read More »

Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 5, 2024

Posted by SJE Admin on 5/03/24

Dear Friends,

As we enter the First Weekend of May, the thing that immediately comes to mind is First Communion and the May Crowning. We were blessed to have 29 children receive their First Communion on Saturday, 4 May, 2024. What a blessing they are to our community! I ... Read More »

Fifth Sunday of Easter - April 28, 2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 4/26/24

Dear Friends,

As we continue contemplate on the mystery of the Resurrection during Eastertide, we are given Scripture passages for reflection that center on the appearances of the Risen Lord – on how they affected His disciples and their resulting transformations. Through them, we are invited to fathom the ... Read More »

Fourth Sunday of Easter 4/21/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 4/19/24

Dear Friends,On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, our Gospel reading (John 10:11-18) opens with these amazing and remarkable words:"I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. . . . I know mine and mine know me, just asthe Father knows me and ... Read More »

Third Sunday of Easter - 4/14/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 4/12/24

Dear Friends,As we enter the Third Sunday of Easter, we are basking in the glory of the Risen Christ, who appears to thedisciples again and again to reinforce their belief and trust in Him. The Resurrection lies at the heart of ourfaith, for it is definitively the ONE event ... Read More »

Second Sunday of Easter, April 7, 2024

Posted by SJE Admin on 4/07/24

Dear Friends,

What a joy! What a joy to see so many people visiting our parish and joining us in celebrating the Great Triduum and the Easter liturgies! I am filled with gratitude to God for all that He has done to bring people to our parish.

I am ... Read More »

Easter Sunday 3/31/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 3/29/24

Dear Friends,Welcome to the Joy of the EASTER SEASON! We are an Easter People, and Alleluia is our song!This past week we commemorated Holy Week. During that time, the power of evil was so evident in the darkness, sorrow, injustice, andsilence of the agonizing and humiliating death of an ... Read More »

Palm Sunday 3/24/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 3/23/24

Dear Friends,

This is the Week of all Weeks. Holy Week. The Most Intense Week. The Week That Changed the World. The Week that revealed to us the immensity, the unfathomable depth of God’s love for us.

We begin Holy Week with the Palm Sunday and end on Holy ... Read More »

Fifth Sunday of Lent 3/17/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 3/15/24

Dear Friends,As we enter into the 5th Sunday of Lent, you will notice a big difference within the sanctuary of the church: all thecrucifixes and statues are covered/veiled with purple cloth. Some of us may not know why we do this, so let’s look intothis ancient practice.The 5th Sunday ... Read More »

Fourth Sunday of Lent 3/10/2024

Posted by St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community on 3/07/24


Dear Friends,

Can you believe that we already have moved past the midpoint of Lent? I am so happy to see many of us taking this Holy Season of Lent seriously and making use of all the opportunities available here at the parish. However, recently I have detected ... Read More »