Father John Britto and the Flourish Our Faith Members invite you to attend this five-week journey of the Mass.
Together we will explore the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveal what it all means and why it all matters. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses and gestures. But do we know what it all means?
In “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass”, Dr. Edward Sri, a Scripture Scholar, takes us on a unique spiritual journey into the liturgy. His down-to-earth insights and explanation are extraordinary.
Please join Mary Adams, Joyce Weber and Bernie Yandura on this FIVE-WEEK exploration of the Mass. Please drop off the registration form at the table in the Church Narthex or at the Parish Office.