Dear Friends,
“I give you your priesthood as a gift” (Numbers: 18:7) are reassuring words of comfort for me as I begin my 10th year as a priest. My vocation is truly an unmerited gift from God who leads me along uncharted pathways to a destination only he knows best. I give THANKS to the author of my vocation and surrender wholeheartedly to his will. I also want to THANK each and every one of you for your support of the Holy Cross priests who have served the St. John’s family. You have made us better priests, called to serve in a ministry that is unrivaled by any other.
“Be a blessing to all” was one of the mottoes of my ordination, and I am trying with everything I have to be just that. If there were any occasions when I did not live up to that, please forgive me. I often wish there were more than 24 hours in a day so that I could be more available to you. Please know that serving you has been my joy and delight … and a blessing to me. Thank you for the many words and gestures of kindness and love showered upon me as we celebrate these 10 years of grace.
I am so sorry that we could not have more of you at last Sunday’s luncheon to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I intensely desire for us to return to normal soon but must remain cautious with our care for one another. I know it is not much, but I thought this occasion would offer us a break from the much- dreaded isolation we’ve all experienced this past year. So, I invite each and every one of you to an open house this weekend to celebrate our God, our faith and our community. Might this be the beginning of a return to normalcy and shared celebrations.
I take this moment to thank Misty Huff and our staff, along with our magnificent kitchen crew, Judy Palinkas and her team, Cheryl Cominsky and assistants, the Digital Media crew, and the Liturgical Ministry volunteers – including our splendid choir – as we rejoiced and celebrated together the gift of the priesthood.
I also want to thank Fr. Justin for helping us out when we needed it most and wish him God’s blessings as he returns to our community in Phoenix to complete his coursework for a Master’s in Counseling. Fr. John Patrick certainly missed being with us. Thankfully, he continues to heal and rehab and asks for your continued prayers for a full recovery.
Congratulations to Glenn and Lynne Vera, recipients of the Family of the Month award. I thank them for their extraordinary commitment to all aspects of our parish life.
As we celebrate the 5th Sunday of Easter, let us continue to rejoice in the many ways our Risen Lord continues to animate our church. In the Gospel of John, Jesus offers us the image of the vine and its branches and the crucial need for the branches to remain united to the vine in order to bear fruit. For us to bear good fruit in this life, we must stay united to Christ who invites us to “remain in me, as I remain in you,” because “without me you can do nothing” (John 15: 1-8).
Have a fabulous week ahead.
Be Blessed!
With love, Fr. John